It's night 10, which means we are nearly halfway through our virtual 2020 Drax Golf Club Presentation Evening(s). 🎙
Yesterday we celebrated this year's successes of an upcoming junior member, Ruby Sutton. 🏌️♀️
Tonight our post is dedicated not only to a prize winner of one of our most prestigious competitions but to honour a special person who is remembered dearly by many at Drax Golf Club.
Sadly, 8 years ago, we said an untimely goodbye to Elvin Dickinson, one of our greenkeepers.
Before being a member at Drax, Elvin worked at the nearby Selby Coal Fields where their golf society would have annual matches against the golf society at Drax Power Station. Over the years, Elvin made some great friends with members of Drax before joining and eventually becoming Club Captain in 1995.
It was around this time that Elvin left the coalfields and retrained as a greenkeeper, a job he thoroughly loved. Not only was he a lover of his job, but a lover of golf in general and that showed as for many years he was a single figure golfer with the fastest swing known to man and despite his size, insisted on CARRYING the biggest tour bag you have ever seen.
For those that may not remember Elvin, but think you may vaguely recall him, he was the guy who would be wearing shorts from 1st March - 31st October, regardless of the weather! And this year's winner of the memorial trophy in Elvin's honour should be someone that also wears shorts all year round and was doing so up until last weeks national restrictions came into place.
Elvin will forever be in the hearts of all those that knew him, and of all those that sit on the bench on our 18th tee donated by 'The Sunday Crew' in memory of a true gentleman.
One's thing for sure, Elvin would have been proud of this years winning performance. Our winner, playing off 13 at the time, had a horror show on the first 5 holes carding Bogey, Double Bogey, Bogey, Double Bogey, Bogey - that's +7 through 5 holes! But, through sheer determination, our winner battled on and eventually signed for a Gross 78 (+10), Net 65 to take the accolade.
So now it's time to say congratulations to this year's Elvin Dickinson Memorial Trophy winner, Liam Smith! 🏆
Remember, "you can see it better from a boat."

Well done Liam