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Updated COVID-19 Guidelines

Writer: Liam RidgillLiam Ridgill

Following the Prime Ministers announcement that COVID restrictions have been eased from 19th July, please see the below update:


We would ask anyone with any symptoms of Covid-19 to not attend the club.

Booking tee times – this will continue online via BRS and tee times will remain indefinitely at 10 minutes.

Sanitise stations will remain on-site and we would ask everyone to continue to use them and continue with regular handwashing.


Masks – Although the legal requirements to wear a face-covering in England has ended, the Government expects and recommends that people continue to wear a face-covering when moving around in crowded and enclosed spaces. We are encouraging our staff and you to continue wearing face coverings if you are able to do so.

Changing rooms - These will reopen in the coming weeks. The changing rooms have been redecorated with some small areas yet to be completed. Special thanks to Andy Ritchings for undertaking this work.


Rakes – will have been re-introduced on the courses for members and visitors to use. Please ensure you rake the bunkers are you leave. The temporary local rule for preferred lies is NO LONGER IN PLAY and players must play the ball as it lies.

Flags – may now be removed if you so desire in line with the Rules of Golf.

There are hand sanitisers on the first tees and halfway house. Please continue to use these before and after your round.

Ball washers will now also be operational


The letterbox which was mounted on the halfway house will be moved tomorrow into the club foyer. Now that restrictions have been lifted, we will be reverting to our normal competition procedures, the only change will be that we will continue to have a starter for weekend competitions.

A full competitions update will be issued later today which we encourage you to read carefully.

Thank you for your attention in the above matters.

Best wishes,

The Committee


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