It's night four our virtual 2020 Drax Golf Club Presentation Evenings!🎙
Last night we recognised the winner of our Seniors Medal Shield, Derek Wilson.
Tonight we are celebrating the winner of our Senior's Cup. Just like the Senior's Medal Shield, this competition a 'Best-of' series competed through the summer months with the best 4-rounds by each player count towards the total from 6 qualifying rounds. ⛳️
Unfortunately, yet again, Lockdown 1.0 delayed the start of this year's competition. However, the June Senior's Cup was the first competitive competition held once we had been released!
Now everyone knows that if you try to muscle your way around Drax, the course will have the last laugh and eventually bite you on your a***. So it's no surprise that the Senior's Cup winner 2020 is a long-standing member who has learnt to leave his driver at home and to rely on his trusty 2-iron.
Congratulations to our winner, Kevin Hudson! 🏆

Well done kev