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Head Greenkeepers Report: May 2021

Mark Sneap, Head Greenkeeper

We continue to have our challenges with the weather at this time, April’s rainfall was 4ml for the whole month. Coupled with the unprecedented frosts in the morning, which have broken all previous records.

See below for information from another greenkeeper who screenshot the BBC weather showing the challenges we have faced throughout the month.

As a consequence, the growth of the green has been slow as the cold weather has caused issues with the germination of all the seed we have spread on both the course and areas where we have dug ditches and mounds on 2nd 6th & 7th holes.

However, we have spiked and overseeded all Greens & Tees and added a chemical feed and with the recent rain, we have already seen a vast improvement.

As the temperatures rise in the coming weeks, this will begin to grow out and they will improve week on week.

Whilst preparing this report, we have had over the last week, a considerable amount of rainfall.

Starting on Saturday 1st May we had 12ml, followed by a couple of days of 1ml / 2ml then on Tuesday 4th May we had 16ml. Wednesday 5th May 6ml, culminating with 17ml on Saturday 8th May meaning we had to, unfortunately, cancel the major competition of the day.

Despite all this, the previous work we have done on the drainage helped and whilst there were a few areas where we need to work on, the majority of the course recovered well and was playable on Sunday.

The work programme for May will be to continue work on the greens and concentrate on the damaged areas so that they recover quicker for the upcoming Majors and the INTER & NERGA days we are hosting.

We are looking to add a bridge halfway down the 6th Fairway as we have noticed plenty of players need access over to the mounds we have done.

Following the Charity day for Graham Gilson, we are looking to spray and clear the remaining self-setters and shrubs that Liam, John and Phil did last month to create a tree & bushed area full of colour was his wish.

This will be ongoing as we collaborate with the family to ensure we are planting the area in line with his wishes.

Once we have this all in place, I recommend that behind the green becomes a ‘penalty area’ and will be red staked accordingly and this will be put forward to the competitions committee to discuss implementation.

As always, as the weather improves, we will begin the ritual of cutting Fairways and Tees along with the Rough daily and I will be concentrating on the Greens.

A Thank You again goes to Tony Hanson and Evergreen who has given us a Ton of Osmacote and a Ton of Mixed Seed and Soil to use on key areas. This is a massive help to improving the course.

As always a big thanks to our volunteers who would not achieve as much as we do without them, and I really appreciate all they do for the club and course.

All of them do a fantastic job. You know who you are.

Mark Sneap

Head Greenkeeper

1 Comment

May 20, 2021

Keep up the good work

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