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Presentation Night 2015

Matty Forde

Roger Elliott and Alan Puddyford are main men at Drax GC presentation night.

Roger almost spent more time collecting trophies at Drax GC's presentation night than he did sitting at the table - for he won no fewer than six events during the season.

The event was hosted by next year's captain David Smith and the presentations got underway with retiring captain Garryck Slaywe and Senior's captain John Leonard presenting club blazers to their 2016 successors.

The first awards went to the multi-medal winners, including Elliott. Garryck Slaywe presented the ladies' awards, which were dominated by Denise Robinson. However, the much-sought after ladies singles' competition eluded her and was won by Sue Randall.

John Leonard presented the major prizes in the Seniors' division. The John Davies Shield was won by his successor Matthew Forde, who also picked up the Medal Shield for the best accumulative score in the senior medal competitions. The Senior Cup for best Stableford scores was won by David Minto.

Slaywe also presented the men's awards. The pick of this year's winners were Alan Puddyford, who won five major tournaments, and Mark Webster, who had three successes at the end of the season.

It was fitting that these two shared the honours in the prestigious 36-hole club championship, Puddyford winning the gross prize and Webster the nett trophy.

The Golfer of the Year award went to the prolific Puddyford for the second year running - but Webster warned his intent on denying him a hat-trick next year.


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